Canceling or Retrying a Training Job


To take action on Field Locator model training, or any training job for that matter, navigate to Administration > Trainer. To learn more about the Trainer application, see What is the Trainer?

Canceling a training job

Follow these steps to cancel a job in the Trainer:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Trainer to get to the Trainer UI.

  2. Find the Queue section, where you can use the "Running" or "Queued" dropdowns to find the training job that you would like to cancel.

  3. Once you have located the job card, click on the Cancel button in the upper right corner of the card to stop the job.

    • This will cancel that training job and will move the job card to the Completed section just below, in the "Cancelled" dropdown.

Retrying a training job

Follow these steps to retry a job in the Trainer:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Trainer to get to the Trainer UI.

  2. Find the Completed section, where you can use the "Failed" dropdown to locate the training job that you would like to cancel.

  3. Once you have located the job card, click on the name of the layout next to the Details label.

    • This will take you to the Model Details page (Library > Models) where you can retry training.

  4. On the model details page, go to the Train New Model section and click the "Run Training" button to re-run the training job. 

    • Note that this does not actually re-run the same training job that failed; the new job will have a different Job ID.

    • If additional documents have been through QA since the initial job failed, they will be included in the new training job.

For more detailed information about all jobs in the system, see Jobs Page.