Each connection in an Input or Output Block has two types of settings:
Connection-specific settings, which vary by connection and are described in Input Blocks and Output Blocks, and
Universal settings:
Block Details – common across all blocks. See Flow Blocks for more information.
Submission Processing Settings – common across all Input Block connections.
Payload Options – common across all Output Blocks.
Universal settings can be found in the bottom portion of a connection’s settings.
Submission Processing Settings
When adding or editing a connection for an Input Block, you can configure any of the settings below.
Task Restrictions
If you want to make sure that only certain users can perform Supervision tasks on this connection's submissions, you can define task restrictions for the connection based on your permission groups. After you have created a task restriction in the Users section of the application, you can select it from the Task Restrictions drop-down list for the connection.
For more information about task restrictions, see Task Restrictions Overview.
Submission Processing Deadline
If you would like to set specific processing deadlines for submissions created through this connection, you can set them by clicking Manage Deadline Rules and defining deadlines based on submission-creation time.
To learn more, see and Prioritizing Submissions.
Layout UUID
If a UUID of a layout is provided, the system will automatically match all pages of the connection’s submissions to that layout, and machine classification will not occur. Note that the UUID must be for a Semi-structured layout in a live release.
Fallback Layout UUID
If there are pages in this connection's submissions that don't match to a live Structured layout, they will be matched to the layout whose UUID is provided in this field. Note that the UUID must be for a Semi-structured layout in a live release.
Source Tags
You can add tags to all submissions created through this connection to identify their source or other key characteristics. You can then use these tags to define routing filters in Notification Blocks.
To learn more, see Routing of Extracted Data.
Machine Only
If this option is selected, the system will not create any Supervision, Consensus, or QA tasks for submissions created through this connection.
Single Document Per Page
If this setting is enabled, separate documents will be created for each uploaded page in each file ingested through the connection. For example, a single PNG image will produce a single document, while a three-page PDF file will always produce three separate documents, regardless of whether those pages match to different pages of the same layout. This setting takes precedence over the application's settings and only applies to Semi-structured layouts.
By default, PNG and JPG files that match to the same layout are combined into one document, while only consecutive pages in a single PDF, TIFF, or XPS matching to the same layout will be grouped into the same document.
Payload options
You can configure any of the following settings for an Output Block's connection.
API Version
This setting allows you to select the API version the connection will use when exporting submission data. If deciding between v4 and v5, we recommend selecting the most recent version that is compatible with the version of your application. Click on a version number below to view its documentation:
v5 – application v27 and later
v4 – application v22 and later. Note that with the release of v33 of Hyperscience, we deprecated v4 of our API. We will no longer add features or fixes to API v4, and we will sunset it in Hyperscience v37 or March 2023 (whichever is later). At that point, API v4 will be removed from our application.
transformed – application v30 or later. If you are using Custom Code Blocks for post-processing customization of your submission output, select transformed rather than a specific version of the Hyperscience API.
To learn more about API versioning, see our API documentation.
Export Type
This setting allows you to choose the level of detail to include in notifications sent through this connection:
Full submission object — If this option is selected, the connection will send the entire Submission object for the submission. To learn more about the Submission data model, see our API documentation.
Flat submission object — If this option is selected, the connection will only pass high-level submission data to the downstream system. Information about unassigned pages, documents in the submission, document folders, or rejected documents will not be sent.
Full individual object — The connection will send state-change notifications for each document in a submission as well as for the submission as a whole. If a submission contains multiple documents, notifications will only be sent once all of the submission's documents have finished processing.
Full and Unmatched — The connection will send state-change notifications for each document in a submission as well as for the submission as a whole. If a submission contains multiple documents, notifications will only be sent once all of the submission's documents have finished processing. In addition, a notification will be sent for each unmatched page in the submission.
Routing Filter
If a submission meets the criteria you specify in this filter, the system will send a state-change notification through the connection. For example, you can create a filter that sends notifications for submissions with certain source tags or that have a "Complete" status. See Routing of Extracted Data for more information.