Layout Tags

Layout tags help users organize layouts and quickly find layouts using the Tags filter in the Layout Library. Tags are free-text values that can be assigned to one or more layouts. You can add multiple tags to a layout.

For example, you may want to send the layout’s processed documents to a certain downstream system. You can tag the layout with the name of that system (e.g., “UiPath”) to make it easier to find when creating a release.

You can add tags to any layout, no matter what its status is. Any tags you add to a layout will be included with the layout when exporting and importing it. 

Tags can only applied at the layout level. You cannot add tags to individual layout variations.

Add layout tags

To add tags to a layout:

  1. Go to Library > Layouts.

  2. Find the layout you want to add a tag to, and click on its name.

  3. In the right-hand sidebar, click the pencil icon (PencilIcon2820.png) next to the Tags field.


  4. Click on the drop-down list.

  5. To add a new tag, enter a name for the tag, and then click Create “<tag_name>”.

  6. To add existing tags, find the tags in the list, and select the checkboxes next to their names.

  7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 until you’ve finished adding tags.

  8. Click Save