What is Supervision?

A submission will travel through multiple steps during the data extraction process. At each step, if the machine confidence falls below the threshold specified in the flow settings or in Administration > System Settings, the system will enlist the help of a human to complete a Supervision task. For more information on setting machine thresholds, see Application Settings Overview and Flow Settings

Supervision tasks are also created when a Structured page is manually matched to a layout or when the rules in a Custom Code Block require a document’s transcriptions to be reviewed. For more information on the tasks generated in these situations, see the “Flexible Extraction” section of Transcription.

Extraction supervision

A submission will not complete until every Supervision task pertaining to the submission has been completed. Keyboard shortcuts have been added to every task to make them as efficient as possible. 

Below is a list of all the Extraction Supervision tasks that a user can complete. See the corresponding links for more information on how to complete each task.

  1. Document Classification

  2. Table Identification

  3. Field Identification

  4. Field Transcription

  5. Table Transcription

  6. Flexible Extraction

Supervision Workflow 


Submission-based workflow

Hyperscience supports the seamless completion of all manual work on a given submission by a single keyer. Task groupings, intro screens, processing screens, and an optimized submission page contribute to a stellar end-to-end experience for keyers.

To enter this workflow, follow the steps described in the "In Submissions" section of Completing Supervision Tasks

Intro Screens

All Supervision tasks have intro screens that provide instructions and best practices. Before continuing to the task, keyers have the option to hide these screens in the future and this preference will be saved on the browser until that browser data is cleared.

Processing Screens

When performing all Supervision tasks for a given document or submissions, processing screens are now shown between tasks steps while the machine is working. If you would prefer not to wait for the machine to work, you can return to the next task whenever it's ready.

Submission Page

The Submission Output page provides key metrics (processing time, submission date, number of documents, unmatched pages, etc.) to summarize progress for keyers responsible for a full submission.

Task-based workflow

Alternatively, you can work on one type of Supervision task at a time. To enter this workflow, go to Tasks > Perform Tasks, and click the Perform Tasks link for the type of task you want to complete.