Best Practices for Using Task Restrictions

Task Restrictions can streamline the work assignments of separate teams and limit access to pages and tasks that contain sensitive information. To maximize the benefits of the Task Restrictions feature, we recommend following the best practices listed below.

Create permission groups for your teams.

The only way to add users to task restrictions is through permission groups. We recommend using the Permission Groups feature to create teams of keyers with access to different parts of the platform, depending on what tasks the keyers are expected to perform. To learn more about permission groups, see Permission Groups.

If you have separate teams that are specialized to work on different types of documents, use layout-level task restrictions.

Use layout-level task restrictions in cases where you want a specific team to work on tasks created from a specific layout. For example, if you have layouts of different types of invoices and your keyers are divided into teams specialized to work on specific invoices, we recommend using layout-level task restrictions. Thus, tasks that are created from each layout will only be accessible by the respective team of keyers.

If you have separate teams that are specialized to work on different documents, depending on where the documents come from, use Input Block task restrictions.

Use Input Block task restrictions in cases where you want a specific team to work on tasks created from submissions coming from specific Input Blocks. For example, if you have multiple upstream systems that are uploading different types of invoices to Hyperscience, and your keyers are divided into teams specialized to work on specific invoices, we recommend using Input Block task restrictions. Thus, tasks that are created from each upstream system’s submissions will only be accessible to the respective team of keyers.

If you have separate teams that are specialized to work on different tasks, use block-level task restrictions.

Block-level task restrictions allow you to limit access to tasks created from Manual Classification, Manual Identification, Manual Transcription, and Flexible Extraction Blocks. For example, if you have a team that is specialized to work on Field ID tasks, we recommend restricting this team’s access to Manual Identification tasks only. The same logic applies if, for example, you have a team that is specialized to work on Transcription tasks. In this case, we recommend restricting this team’s access to Manual Transcription tasks only.

If you want to limit access to a specific submission, use submission-level task restrictions.

Every time you create a submission through the Hyperscience application or the API, you can add submission-level task restrictions. For example, if you want a specific team to handle all of a submission’s tasks, we recommend restricting the submission to be accessible only to this team. 

Combine different types of task restrictions, depending on your business process.

To suit your business process, you can combine different types of task restrictions. For example, to restrict access to specific layouts and submissions at the same time, you can use layout-level and submission-level task restrictions together. To learn more about combining task restrictions, see the “Example Scenarios” section in Task Restrictions and Permission Groups.

Access tasks from the Tasks Queue.

Because you might have access to view the Submissions table, but, at the same time, you might not have access to perform tasks for a specific submission, we recommend accessing tasks from the Task Queue. All users with access to view the Submissions table, regardless of their task restrictions, can see all submissions. For example, if a permission group has access to view the Submissions table but does not have access to perform tasks for a specific submission, the permission group’s users will still be able to see the submission in the Submissions table. However, these users will not be allowed to perform any of the submission’s tasks due to their task restrictions. Therefore, to make sure that your users only see tasks they are able to perform, we recommend accessing tasks from the Tasks Queue.