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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus ut dapibus nisl. Fusce ultrices est at laoreet porta. Nam facilisis pellentesque molestie.
Welcome! For a quick tour and tips, see How to use this site.
What we've introduced, enhanced, and fixed in each version.
Troubleshooting information for known issues across all versions of Hyperscience.
Infrastructure information and instructions for installing, configuring, and upgrading Hyperscience.
Leverage AI and automation in new ways with features like Document Chat, Auto-splitting, and Similar Layout Variation Detection.
Increase your organization's productivity with Document Drift Management, Extended Model Compatibility, and UI Internationalization.
Manage the model lifecycle with Incremental Training and Training Data Management for Classification.
Boost productivity by applying LLMs and in in- application Knowledge Store to your workflows.
Maximize the value of documents and training data with v37's Al-powered enhancements.
Classify unstructrured documents and extract valuable insights to make better decisions.
New features include Memory Management, forward- compatible models, and linking blocks to other flows in Flow Studio.
Auto-splitting allows you to define specific rules for splitting submissions into Semi-structured documents. This feature enables different rules for each layout...
Document Drift Management (also known as Layout Triage), is a post-processing feature that helps you manage documents that don't match layouts during Classification...
Our Identification settings can be categorized as follows: Supervision Tasks, Accuracy, and Image Readability...
If your organization develops and customizes flows, you can give your System Admins additional permissions by adding the “.env” file variables described in the sections below...
With the introduction of flows, we have created the following types of blocks to help you customize your flows to meet your teams’ needs...
Learn about what's supported and required for each component of a Hyperscience instance.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus ut dapibus nisl. Fusce ultrices est at laoreet porta. Nam facilisis pellentesque molestie.