Audit Log (v39.1 and later)

The Audit Log documents user activities, including adjustments to settings and downloading specific files. It tracks who performed each action and when, providing System Admins with a comprehensive overview of important tasks, completed within the system.

Accessing the Audit Log

By default, members of the System Admin permission group have access to the Audit Log. If you require access to the Audit Log, please reach out to a system administrator.

To access the Audit Log in the application, click Administration, and then click the Audit Log tab.

You can also retrieve Audit Log data through our API. To learn more, see our API documentation.

Navigating the Audit Log

Audit Log table

The Audit Log table displays the following details for each activity:

  • Activity ID displays the ID number of the specific action performed in the system

  • Created shows the time the activity is completed

  • Activity name indicates the type of activity performed by the user

  • Username of the user who performed the activity (if the operator was not the machine)  

Audit Log filters

Click Filters to select the activity name, operator (machine/human), or username you want to search by. You can use any combination of these filters.

You can also search by activity ID number, specific date created, or date range.

Exporting Audit Log data

If you need an export of the Audit Log, you can download a CSV file by clicking Download all activities (if you haven’t applied a filter) or Download filtered activities (if you’ve used a filter) on the right side of the page.

Activities in the Audit Log

In v39.1, we’ve expanded the list of activities in recorded the Audit Log. A full list of recorded activities appears below.

Activity Name



Abandon Tasks

Leave a task without finishing it

Introduced in v39.1.0

Acquire Case Token

Receive a token to complete any Supervision tasks related to a case

Introduced in v39.1.0

Acknowledge License Notifications

Introduced in v39.2.0

Acquire Document Token

Receive a token to complete any Supervision tasks related to a document

Introduced in v39.1.0

Acquire Submission Token

Receive a token to complete any Supervision tasks related to a submission

Introduced in v39.1.0

Activate M2M Accounts Within the Local Identity Provider

Activate local identity provider client

Introduced in v39.2.0

Add Layout

Create or import a layout

Add Trainer Checkpoint Chunk

Introduced in v39.2.0

Application upgrade

Archive Flow

Archive a flow through the application or the API

Archive Layout Group

Introduced in v39.2.0

Artifact Repository Dependency Injection

Introduced in v39.2.0

Assign Layout Release to Workflow

Introduced in v39.2.0

Auto-Model Activation - Activate Identification Model

Auto-Model Activation - Dismiss Identification Model

Automated Training

Binarykv Update or Create

Bulk Assign BlockStorageBinary Records to a Workflow

Bulk Delete Authentication Groups

Delete multiple authentication groups

Introduced in v39.1.0

Bulk Delete BlockStorageBinary Records to a Workflow

Bulk Delete BlockStorageBinary Records

Delete multiple BlockStorageBinary records

Introduced in v39.1.0

Cancel Find Potential Layouts Job

Cancel a “Find potential layouts” job

Cancel Model Training

Cancel model training tasks

Change Authentication Group

Change Permission Group

Change Task Restriction

Change Layout Restriction

Introduced in v39.2.0

Clean Up Trainer Checkpoints

Introduced in v39.2.0

Complete Trainer Checkpoint Chunking

Introduced in v39.2.0

Copy Permission Groups

Duplicate a permission group

Introduced in v39.1.0

Create Artifact Repository

Configure a connection to an S3 bucket or another Hyperscience instance to use it as an artifact repository

Introduced in v39.1.0

Create an access token within the local identity provider

Introduced in v39.2.0

Create an M2M account within the local identity provider

Create a local identity provider client

Introduced in v39.2.0

Create Authentication Group

Create a BlockStorageBinary record

Introduced in v39.2.0

Create Candidate Group

Introduced in v39.2.0

Create Clear QA Tasks Job

Create a job that deletes all tasks from the QA Task Queue

Introduced in v39.1.0

Create Data Type

Create Dictionary Field

Add a field to the field dictionary

Introduced in v39.1.0

Create Dictionary Field Group

Create a new field group in the field dictionary

Introduced in v39.1.0

Create External Job

Introduced in v39.2.0

Create Flex Model Training Request

Triggered model training for Identification models

Create Flow Run

Start the execution of a flow

Introduced in v39.1.0

Create Ground Truth

Upload a document in Training Data Management and start the flow execution

Introduced in v39.1.0

Create Knowledge Store Item

Add an item to the Knowledge Store

Introduced in v39.1.0

Create Layout Release

Introduced in v39.2.0

Create Layout Restriction

Introduced in v39.2.0

Create New Authentication Group

Create an authentication group in the application or on import

Create New Data Type

Create a field data type

Create New Task Restriction

Create a task restriction

Create Permission Group

Create Submission

Create submissions through the application or API

Introduced in v39.1.0

Create Task Request

Generate a Supervision task (e.g., Manual Transcription)

Introduced in v39.1.0

Create Task Restriction

Create Trainer Failure Report

Introduced in v39.1.0

Create User

Create workflow Definitions

Deactivate Flex Model

Deactivate M2M accounts within the local identity provider

Deactivate local identity provider client

Introduced in v39.2.0

Definition Upload for SDM block

Delete Artifact Repository

Delete flows, models, or releases

Introduced in v39.1.0

Delete Authentication Group

Delete an authentication group

Delete Candidate Group

Introduced in v39.2.0

Delete Cases

Delete cases

Introduced in v39.1.0

Delete Case Tokens

Release case tokens assigned by users to complete Supervision tasks related to a case

Delete Dictionary Field

Delete a field from the field dictionary

Introduced in v39.1.0

Delete Dictionary Field Group

Delete a field group from the field dictionary

Introduced in v39.1.0

Delete Document Tokens

Release knowledge worker tokens used by keyers to complete Supervision tasks related to a document

Delete Ground Truth

Delete Ground Truth from Training Data Management

Introduced in v39.1.0

Delete Knowledge Store Collection

Delete a collection from the Knowledge Store

Introduced in v39.1.0

Delete Knowledge Store Item

Delete an item from the Knowledge Store

Introduced in v39.1.0

Delete Layout

Introduced in v39.2.0

Delete Layout Release

Introduced in v39.2.0

Delete Layout Restriction

Introduced in v39.2.0

Delete Layout Version Being Used

Delete a layout version

Delete an M2M account within the local identity provider

Introduced in v39.2.0

Delete Non-structured Layout Training Data

Introduced in v39.2.0

Delete Permission Groups

Delete permission groups

Introduced in v39.1.0

Delete Shared Layout Fields

Introduced in v39.2.0

Delete Submissions

Delete submissions through the UI or API

Delete Submission Tokens

Release knowledge worker tokens used by keyers to complete Supervision tasks related to a submission

Delete Task Restriction

Delete a task restriction

Delete User

Delete Workflow Definitions

Deploy Flex Model

Download a Field ID model

Deploy Flex Table Model

Download a Table ID model

Django Admin

/admin in v39.1.0. For more information reach out to your Hyperscience representative.

Introduced in v39.2.0

Flow Version Trigger

Introduced in v39.2.0

Deregister Trainer(s)

Detach the trainer or trainers

Introduced in v39.1.0

Document Rejection

Handle document rejection

Download Artifacts

Export flows, releases, or models

Introduced in v39.1.0

Download Authentication Group

Export an authentication group

Download Auto Threshold Model

Introduced in v39.2.0

Download CSV

Download submission-level CSV, document-level CSV, system throughput CSV, all users performance CSV, or Audit Log CSV

Download File

Any async download. Async downloads can be accessed from the Notification Center

Download Flex Model

Download a Field Identification model

Download Flow

Export a flow through the application

Download Identification Model

Download a live/candidate model

Download Image

Download a page image

Download JSON

Download Non-Structured Layout Classification Model

Async download of a non-structured layout's Classification Model. Async downloads can be accessed from the Notification Center

Download Non-Structured Layout Classification Model with Training Data

Async download of a non-structured layout's Classification Model and its training data. Async downloads can be accessed from the Notification Center

Download Non-Structured Layout Training Data

Download of a non-Structured layout’s training data

Introduced in v39.1.0

Download Permission Group

Export a permission group

Download Release

Export a release

Download System Settings

Export system settings

Download Text Classification Model

Introduced in v39.2.0

Download Training Data for Text Classification Model

Introduced in v39.2.0

Download ZIP

Deploy Flow

Deploy a flow through the application or API

Deploy Identification Model

Activate trained candidate model

Deploy Text Classification Model

Introduced in v39.2.0

Edit an M2M account within the local identity provider

Edit a local identity provider client

Introduced in v39.2.0

Edit Artifact Repository

Send a request to /api/v5/artifacts/repositories for flows, releases, or models

Introduced in v39.1.0

Edit Authentication Group

Update the authentication group in the application or on import

Edit Data Type

Edit Case

Edit a case

Introduced in v39.1.0

Edit Case Deletion Date

Edit the deletion date for a case

Introduced in v39.1.0

Edit Data Type

Edit a field data type

Edit Layout Goal Time Rule

Edit SLA rule for a specific layout

Introduced in v39.2.0

Edit Layout Group

Introduced in v39.2.0

Edit Layout Name

Edit Layout Page

Edit Layout Page Image

Edit Layout Release

Edit a Release

Introduced in v39.2.0

Edit Layout Version

Edit Permission Group

Update a permission group in the application

Edit Python Packages

Install/Uninstall Python packages and manage Command ( levels

Edit System Configuration

Change settings through internal API endpoints

Introduced in v39.1.0

Edit System Setting

Edit system settings on the System Settings page

Edit Task Restriction

Update a task restriction in the application

Edit the local identity provider configuration

Local identity provider config edit

Introduced in v39.2.0

Edit User

Edit Workflow Engine Config

Enable/Disable Transcription Model

Introduced in v39.1.0

Enter Task Queue

Begin working on tasks in the Task Queue

Execute Diff for Ground Truth Layout Versions

Introduced in v39.2.0

Export Artifacts

Introduced in v39.2.0

Export Authentication Group

Introduced in v39.2.0

Export Dictionary Field

Export the field dictionary

Introduced in v39.1.0

Export Ground Truth Training Data

Export Ground Truth Training Data from TDM

Introduced in v39.1.0

Export Permission Group

Introduced in v39.2.0

Export Submissions

Fail Halted Job

Update a halted job's status to Failed

Field Customization Create

Introduced in v39.2.0

Field Customization Update

Introduced in v39.2.0

File Download for SDM Block

File Upload for SDM Block

Introduced in v39.2.0

Get Features Availability

Introduced in v39.2.0

Get Reporting Data

Introduced in v39.2.0

Get Task Queue And Assign Tasks

Click a Perform Tasks link in the Task Queue

Introduced in v39.1.0

Go To Specific Task

Introduced in v39.2.0

IDP Sync

Import Artifacts

Import Authentication Group

Import Ground Truth Training Data

Import Dictionary Field

Import a field dictionary

Introduced in v39.1.0

Import Knowledge Store Items

Import items to the Knowledge Store

Introduced in v39.1.0

Import Layout Release

Introduced in v39.2.0

Import Permission Group

Insert License Key

Introduced in v39.2.0


User logs in to the system

Introduced in v39.1.0

Login failed

Introduced in v39.1.0


Introduced in v39.2.0

Lock Release

Create a release or update a release to have a Locked status

Lock Layout Group

Introduced in v39.2.0

Magic Clone

Copy fields with similar shapes in the Layout Editor

Introduced in v39.2.0

Map Submission UUIDs

Access the Flow Runs page, which creates a mapping between the Submission ID and the Correlation ID of the respective sub-flows

Introduced in v39.1.0

Mark Submission Pages For Clustering

Submit pages for Find Potential Layout

Introduced in v39.1.0

Merge Candidate Groups

Introduced in v39.2.0

Move Pages between Candidate Groups

Introduced in v39.2.0

Notifications Read

Open Specific Task

Start working on a specific submission and/or document

Introduced in v39.1.0

Parse CSV for Field Data Type

Upload a CSV to create a data type

Introduced in v39.1.0

Predict Table Cells

Identify a Template row and click Commit and Review to use the copycat. See more details in Table Identification.

Introduced in v39.1.0

Process Trainer Task Result

The trainer sends data to the application

Introduced in v39.1.0

Read Clustering Config

Click the Find Layouts button on the Potential Layout Variations page

Introduced in v39.1.0

Read Clustering Jobs

Click Find Potential Layout on the No Layout Variation Found page

Introduced in v39.1.0

Read Model Information

Introduced in v39.2.0

Read Notification

Open the Notification panel

Introduced in v39.1.0

Read Submission Transformed Output

Introduced in v39.2.0

Reject Identification Model

Reject a candidate model

Reject Document

Remove Document From Case

Introduced in v39.1.0

Remove Page From Case

Introduced in v39.1.0

Remove Pages from Candidate Group

Introduced in v39.2.0

Reprioritize Submission

Update a submission's SLA goal when matched to a layout with an earlier SLA or when manually set in the Task Queue

Reset User Authorization Token

Reset a user-authentication token by user or permission group

Reset MFA

Reset Token

Restore Flow

Restore a flow through the application or API

Restore Layout Group

Introduced in v39.2.0

Restore User

Resubmit Submissions

Retry Find Potential Layouts Job

Return Task And Assign To User

Introduced in v39.1.0

Run Find Potential Layouts Job

Send Usage and Settings Failure

Send Usage and Settings Success

Settings Export

Settings Import

Settings Prepare Import

Introduced in v39.2.0

Schedule Delete Submissions

Introduced in v39.2.0

Schedule Identification Model Training

Trigger a model training by clicking the "Run Training" button

Scheduled Transcription Model Training

Introduced in v39.2.0

Start Trainer Checkpoint Chunking

Introduced in v39.2.0

Submit Supervision Task

Submit a response for a Supervision task

Submission Reprioritization

Tag Layout Group

Introduced in v39.2.0

Test Block Connection

Test the connection of an Input Block or Output Block through the application

Test Connection

Introduced in v39.2.0

Trainer Deregister

Detach the trainer

Introduced in v39.1.0

Trainer Failure Report

Train NLC model

Train a Classification model

Trainer Task Cancel

Trainer Task Result

Train Non-Structured Layout Model

Schedule Classification model training

Train Text Classification Model

Introduced in v39.2.0

Trainer Register

Register the trainer by running bash trainer   from the trainer machine

Introduced in v39.1.0

Trainer Set Error Seen

Introduced in v39.2.0

Transcription Model Toggle

Introduced in v39.2.0

Trigger Analysis for Ground Truth

Run Training Data Analysis in Training Data Management

Introduced in v39.1.0

Upload Artifacts

Import flows, models, or releases

Introduced in v39.1.0

Upload Auto-Threshold Model

Introduced in v39.2.0

Upload Block Definition

Upload a block-definition file

Introduced in v39.1.0

Upload Ground Truth Training Data Document

Upload documents to Training Data Management

Introduced in v39.1.0

Upload Training Data for Text Classification Model

Introduced in v39.2.0

Undeploy Flow

Disable a flow through the application or API

Undeploy Identification Model

Deactivate an active Identification model

Undeploy Text Classification Model

Introduced in v39.2.0

Update Candidate Group

Introduced in v39.2.0

Update Dictionary Field

Update a field in the field dictionary

Introduced in v39.1.0

Update Dictionary Field Group

Update a field group in the field dictionary

Introduced in v39.1.0

Update Flex Model

Update Field ID model

Introduced in v39.2.0

Update Flow

Update a flow through the application or API

Update Ground Truth

Change the annotations of documents in Training Data Management

Introduced in v39.1.0

Update Ground Truth Model Type Identifier

Introduced in v39.1.0

Update Permission Group Restrictions

Introduced in v39.1.0

Update Redaction For Clustering

Introduced in v39.1.0

Upgrade Software Version

Run the init command

Upload Authentication Group

Upload Block

Upload a block’s definition file

Upload Identification Model

Upload a model and set its candidate model

Upload Text Classification Model

Introduced in v39.2.0

Upload Ground Truth Training Data Document

Import ground truth training data

Upload Non-Structured Layout Classification Model

Upload a non-Structured layout’s Classification model

Upload Non-Structured Layout Classification Model with Training Data

Upload non-Structured layout’s Classification model and its training data

Upload Non-Structured Layout Training Data

Upload a non-Structured layout’s training data

Upload System Settings

Upload Submission

Create submissions through the application or API

Upload Flow

Import flow through the application or API

VM Affinity Allocations Get

Introduced in v39.2.0

VM Affinity Config Save

Introduced in v39.2.0

Wipe PII from Submissions

Introduced in v39.1.0

Workflow Archive

Workflow Deploy

Workflow Diff

Introduced in v39.2.0

Workflow Duplicate

Workflow Export

Workflow Generate Overrides

Introduced in v39.2.0

Workflow Job Retry

Introduced in v39.2.0

Workflow Restore

Workflow un-deploy

Workflow Update

Data recorded for each activity

Clicking an activity’s ID in the Activities table reveals the following data about the activity.




System-generated numeric ID for the recorded activity

Activity Created

Date and time the activity was recorded


Indicates whether the activity was performed by the machine or by a human


Operator is Human, the username of the user who performed the activity

Activity Display Name

Human-readable activity name

Activity System Name

The name of the activity in the database

Activity Subtype Display Name

If the activity type can be completed in multiple ways, this field contains the human-readable name of how the activity was completed (e.g., if Activity Display Name is Add New Layout, Activity Subtype Display Name could be Upload Existing).

Activity Subtype System Name

The name of the activity subtype in the database (if applicable)


Additional details about the activity (if applicable) (e.g., if the Activity Display Name is User Login, Extra could contain details about the browser used to log in)

Object ID

ID of object impacted by the activity (if applicable)

Object Type

Type of object impacted by the activity (if applicable)

Object Name

Name of the object impacted by the activity (if applicable)


[v39.1-40.1] Details regarding changes made (if applicable)

For changes on objects with multiple editable elements, the Object Column Changes field contains a table with additional change details:

Column Name



Element undergoing edits

Old Value

Value before the edit

New Value

Value after the edit