The SLA Rules tab within the Tasks section of the application allows you to add and manage your Service Level Agreement (SLA) rules.
You can narrow your view of the SLA Rules table by clicking the All SLA Locations filter and selecting one of the following options:
Flow and Input Listener
Layout Variation
System Default
SLA Rules Table
The SLA Rules table allows you to view, edit, and delete all SLA rules in your instance.
Note that you cannot delete the system-default SLA rule. To edit the system-default SLA rule, go to Administration > Settings.
The SLA Rules table has the following columns:
SLA Name – name of the SLA rule
SLA Location – where the SLA rule is applied. The possible values are:
Flow and Input Listener
Layout Variation
System Default
SLA Rule – definition of the SLA rule
Actions – the following two actions are available:
Edit Rule (
Delete Rule (
Adding an SLA Rule
From the SLA Rules tab, you can add two types of SLA rules:
SLA rules that apply to a specific flow and a specific input listener
SLA rules that apply to a specific layout variation
Here’s how you can add an SLA rule from the SLA Rules tab:
Go to Tasks > SLA Rules.
Click the Add SLA Rule button in the upper-right corner of the page.
Select where you want this SLA rule to be applied.
Flow and Input Listener
Layout Variation
(If you’ve selected Flow and Input Listener in step 3) Select a flow and an input listener that is configured for this flow.
(If you’ve selected Layout Variation in step 3) Select a parent layout and a layout variation.
Define how manual tasks get prioritized in the Task Queue. You can specify deadlines for each set of conditions that make sense for your business.
Each condition is defined by submission-creation time. You can set conditions for submissions created At anytime or Before [a certain time of day].
For each condition, you can set a deadline to be at a specific time of day or after a certain amount of time has passed since the submission’s creation.
Example: "New submissions created before 2:00 PM should be processed within 30 minutes of the time of submission."
When determining which condition to use for a submission’s deadline, we start at the beginning of your list of conditions and use the first one that the submission qualifies for. In this way, your list can be thought of as an “if...else…” decision tree. Therefore, we recommend ordering your conditions in chronological order, based on the submission-creation times in their definitions. To learn more about prioritizing submissions, see Prioritizing Submissions.
Review and Save the SLA rule.
An SLA rule is applied only to these submissions that are created after the SLA rule was added to the system. SLA rules cannot be applied retroactively.